OSHA Rules and Regulations

Lockout Information Lockout Regulations OSHA Rules and Regulations
Why Do We Need Lockout/Tagout?
22nd March 2013
According to OSHA (The Occupational Health and Safety Administration) approximately 3 million workers in the US service equipment and face the greatest risk of injury if Lockout/Tagout is not properly implemented. Lockout/Tagout prevents an estimated 120 facilities and 60,000 injuries each year in US alone.
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Lockout News OSHA Rules and Regulations
Barcadi Fined by OSHA for Neglecting Lockout/Tagout
12th February 2013
Barcadi’s Bottling Corporation faces fines of more than $190,000 after an OSHA investigation into the death of a worker in its Jacksonville Florida facility.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Types of OSHA Violation
13th December 2012
The governing body OSHA (the Occupational Health and Safety Administration) are responsible for the enforcement of health and safety conditions across the entirely of the United States of America. The body has several standards for various types of working environment, but the one of the most important things that you should be concerned about is OSHA violations.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout Additional Requirements
3rd December 2012
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has several additional requirements for the enforcement of lockout/tagout, which can be found inside section 1910.147 of the Federal Register (The Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout).
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout/Tagout Release
3rd December 2012
Once lockout/tagout procedures have been used and any maintenance has been completed, authorised employees can then go about the process of removing the lockout.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout: Application of Control
3rd December 2012
Why do we perform lockout? Well, quite simply, it is to maintain control of an energy source, and to stop machinery from being switched on while essential maintenance and service is being carried out on that particular piece of machinery.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout Training and Communication
3rd December 2012
Under the rules and regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) it is the responsibility of an employer to provide relevant training in the application and enforcement of lockout/tagout procedures.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout Periodic Inspections
30th November 2012
It is a legal requirement placed upon the employer to ensure that regular inspections are in place that comprehensively cover an energy control program and ensure it is effective and being correctly enforced.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Lockout Devices: Rules and Regulations
30th November 2012
OSHA’s extensive documentation found within the Federal Register extends to the use of lockout/tagout equipment, and there are several standards you need to be aware of and understand before the implantation of your own energy control program.
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OSHA Rules and Regulations
Developing an Energy Control Procedure
30th November 2012
By now, you should hopefully know exactly what an energy control procedure is.  But how do you go about developing your own energy control procedure, and what must you ensure you address in the procedure itself?
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